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Co-Captain & CFO

Team President, Kyle Brown brings an array of strategies, leadership, and professional skills to the team. With a B.S. in Finance from the Mike Illitch Business School and an Engineering Technology undergrad provides a dynamic framework for the team. Kyle is aware of the complexities involved with business development and strategic management necessary for growth and overall success. 


Co-Captain, Mechanical

As Mechanical Co-Captain and Vehicle Dynamics & Chassis Lead, Sudhir is responsible for design completion of the chassis using SolidWorks, and the simulation & analysis of vehicle dynamics using MSC Adams Software. Sudhir is also tasked with continuous improvement of the electronic differential unit based on the vehicle dynamic's output data.


Co-Captain, Powertrain

Powertrain Co-Captain, Tejas brings experience from multiple SAE competitions. With a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, Tejas is currently pursuing a M.S. Electric Vehicle Engineering (EVE) degree at Wayne State University. Founder and Mentor for Tornado Motorsports and Dirt-cross Racing. Tejas provides the team with excellent knowledge and experience in manufacturing, rapid prototyping and composite fabrication. Tejas enjoys mentoring various SAE collegiate clubs back in India.


Co-Captain, Electrical

As Electrical Co-Captain, Ron was previously with EcoCar and is a graduate student pursuing a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering. Born in Jiangxi, China, Ron earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Automotive Engineering. “What attracted me to Wayne State was the cutting-edge research on automotive systems.” Ron states, why he chose to come to Wayne State back in August 2017.  Ron’s interest in Formula Hybrid SAE stems from the enjoyment of transforming ideas into reality while working and creating friendships with people from different backgrounds.


Faculty Advisor

Dr. Liao's teaching and research interests are in the areas of Mechanical Design, Multi-body Dynamics, Hybrid Vehicle Powertrain, and CAE applications in product development and manufacturing.  Dr. Liao has over 15 years of industrial practice in the automotive industry prior to becoming a faculty member in the Engineering Technology Department at Wayne State University.

Dr. Gene Liao
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